Dr. Felipe Torres

D. in Sociology from the Max Weber Center of the University of Erfurt, Germany.

Felipe Torres is Assistant Professor at the Institute of Sociology of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile in Santiago, Chile. He holds a PhD in Sociology from the Max Weber Center of the University of Erfurt (Germany) and is a member of the International Society for the Study of Time (ISST). He is the author of Temporal Regimes: Materiality, Politics, Technology (Routledge, 2022) and has edited the book Conceptos que hacen Historia(s). Studies on Reinhart Koselleck (Gunpowder 2022). He has also written articles on social theory, history and time studies in Time & Society, Isegoría and Cinta de Moebio.

In May 2023 he assumed the position of Editor-in-Chief of KronoScope. Journal for the Study of Time and during the month of December was awarded third party funding from the National Research and Development Agency ANID-Chile, with a project on "Notions of Space and Time in Social Theory" (11240326) funded for three years (2024-2026). The project seeks to systematize the concepts of time and space in the history of social theory and explore possible avenues for innovative integrations of the two. Finally, in 2024 she has joined the SFB Structural Change of Property Consortium subgroup on "Making things available: Ownership as an incarnation of our relationship with the world" with a project on time and automation, and the Fondecyt Regular El tiempo en Salud n° 1241495 funded by ANID (2024-2028).

His academic interests focus on acceleration theory, temporal socio-political concepts (utopia, progress, revolution), social theory and conceptual history.

Felipe Torres
