Fernanda Bywaters Collado

Clinical Psychologist.

Psychologist from the Universidad de Santiago de Chile, she is currently studying for a Master's degree in Psychology, mention in Psychoanalytic Theory and Clinic at the Universidad Diego Portales. In this context, she is developing a thesis on temporality in psychoanalytic work with terminal cancer patients in institutional contexts.

Previously, she has worked in research projects belonging to the field of Social Studies of Science and Technology (STS), where she has developed semiotic-material approaches to the understanding of the configuration of different processes in health. On the other hand, she has also participated in a research dedicated to the study of the Ethics of Care and its practices in Chilean school contexts.

Her main research interests are linked to the social studies of medicine and health. In turn, from her clinical work, she is interested in the study of psychoanalytic temporalities and the ways in which corporeality appears in the clinical space; mainly in research regarding psychoanalytic work with patients with organic diseases, and psychosomatic phenomena.

Fernanda Bywaters

Thesis writer